When I started this I had no idea where it would go. In fact all I wanted to do was have an excuse to regularly work in the studio and share the results with people who might find it interesting. Now here we are 1 year later and the best songs from the show are now together on an album. It couldn't happen without this whole experiment called podcasting.

Between the positive emails from people who've checkout the show, the un-ending nites in the studio, support from friends both IRL and on the internet, inspirations and conversations with my girlfriend Ann Marie....

It gives me great pleasure to share the results. my first album.
..everybody has a story...


Not only is this album a collection of music that I whole heartedly believe in. It's an opportunity to share the music in an honest format. I've never asked for donations for what I do on the podcast, I do it because I love music. But if as a listener, or a reader, if you appreciate the music, the Lx7 podcast, and the website; you can now purchase these songs digitally online from most major music retailers, or follow these link and purchase the album or songs directly.

Talking about the future of music, and the end of record labels as we know it; this is what I believe the future of the music industry is going to be. You've listened to the podcasts and learn the stories behind them, now you can own the songs.

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