I agree totally. If I am going to spend money on earplugs, I am going to get 
custom-moulded ones.
There is still the article on Max Duley's site about his experience - he has 
contact numbers and
everything. Very thoughtful.

I think severing my own ears so that I could get someone to buy me custom-made 
plugs in the US
might be construed as a bit drastic, even by my standards.

> I see the joke in what you're saying but you do need to have them made for
> you.  Tom's won't fit anyone else's ears except for Tom's.  That's what is
> so cool about those custom made ones.  They're molded to your ear canal and
> the process is pretty funny to go through.  They inject this pink foam that
> expands and then sort of gets a bit more solid (but stays sort of Nerf
> football like).  For a few seconds you're deaf because they do it in both
> ears.  About as close as you want to come to being deaf.  They make the
> earpiece from that mold (and a small disc-like filter fits in it) and you
> get to walk out with the mold if you need another pair made.
> it's the best you can get imo.
> "Nik Stoltzman" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote on 03/12/2007 07:20:21 AM:
>> If anyone from the UK is heading over to the states I will lend them
>> my ears if they'll pick some
>> up for me.
>> >
>> >
>> > Things are expensive over here though Tom.
>> >
>> > r
>> >
>> > Thomas D. Cox, Jr. wrote:
>> >> On 3/12/07, Nik Stoltzman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> >>> I am seriously considering buying
>> >>> some custom-moulded ones because for a couple of hundred quid it is
>> >>> definitely worth it.
>> >>
>> >> i got a pair made here for $100 (about 50 pounds), i love them a whole
> lot.
>> >>
>> >> tom
>> >

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