Yeah, I caught it too.

I am not sure how I feel about it. At first I thought the piano sounded great 
(and it does), and
really picked up on the intricacies of the melody and chord changes and had to 
respect the sheer
class and balls of the original. The meandering bass in this cover is spot-on 

But... as I actually listened to it out of context, just as a piece of music in 
it's own right, I
couldn't help but feel it sounds like just another slice of hep swingin' 
jazzssssssszzzzzz. Not that this style doesn't have its own merits (right time 
and place and all
that) but I find it too self-consciously cheesy.

Time will tell. Still really dig it though. Just not sure I'd buy it.


> Hi folks,
> Just listening to Gilles on BBC1.  Caught a great piano-heavy remix of
> Strings Of Life on his show.  I guess it's a white label.  Christian Plummer
> remix?  Any thoughts kids?
> Cheers,
> lrh

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