I have to agree with the editorial on this one. I
think it largely depends on the age of the kid (ears
aren't fully developed until adulthood- why would you
put an ear bud in a kid's ear I never understand) with
the bud effect-even though buds make the music sound
like CRAP anyways. If it's HS kids and they are using
it for date transport, why not just use a
thumb-drive-it's far more LESS distracting. Audio
files of lectures can be emailed.

 In many classrooms speaker systems are being used
because students DO respond better to surround sound
voice. But an ear bud?... is such removal of the
classroom connection-it's  removing the personal
touch. It's hard to imagine because I'm always
interacting with my students to gage where their
understanding and processing is in class.

 This kind of funding could have come from a grant,
and cost tax payers nothing. An important part of
education technology is the training. Are the teachers
and students being positively trained? With such a
HUGE roll out Apple should have said 'be our guinea
pig and we'll give 'em to ya for free' almost like
they did with those horrible macs a few years back.

 My 6th graders are gadget whores at their early age.
My ipod Mini is considered HUGE to them, though I
laugh as they drool over such novelty gadgets like the
razor and lesser quality mp3 phones.

 My school is 1mill over budget, this is a wave that
education is seeing right now- schools are entering a
near crisis mode. One that we haven't seen in many,
many years.

 Just as an FYI, Kindergartners are now being
standardized tested for achievement.


--- robin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> iPod for every kid in Michigan for education,
> interesting:
> http://news.com.com/2061-10801_3-6174170.html
> robin...

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