Lovely mellow techy vibe on that new track Brian.

Props for the provision of a remastered 'Intact' (the last Strand track) for free to previous purchasers too.

UK people, as the dollar is so weak buying these tracks off the Harbonder site is stupidly cheap now (99c=50p!). Though I'd like to see .wavs for maybe $1.49 (Brian?).


On 17 Apr 2007, at 22:37, Brian Boyer wrote:

Today, Strand released the second single on harbonder entitled "Soleil". If you fancy, you can hear it in its entirety on our myspace page for the next month or so. This and all other Strand material is available for download from the harbonder website. There are no plans for vinyl at this time, but when that changes, we'll let you know. As always, don't be shy about what you think. We welcome the feedback.


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