Check his v.amusing podcast as well

-----Original Message-----
From: Thomas D. Cox, Jr. [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: 15 May 2007 14:38
Subject: (313) ncw mix for to the bone

my man nick wilson just dropped a new ableton mix, he does these
things the way they should be done!

Noam Chomsky - Propaganda and Control of the Public Mind
Matmos - For Felix
eLph - Red Scratch
Coil - Theme From Blue 1
Aphex Twin - The Snow Answers Come In Dreams (Coil Mix)
Blake Baxter - Ghost
Patrick Cowley - Megatron Man
Henrik Rylander - Destroyer
Nick Wilson - Vault
Rhythm & Sound - Mash Down Babylon
Ghislain Poirier - Ailleurs
Animal - Oil Come All Ye Faithful
Beaks - Aventure
Mathes - Tapes
The Threshold House Boys Choir - So Young It Knows No Maturing
Sendex - Evidence
Ruck Edits - I Can Do It
Jock Hattle - Yes No Family
Track Ghost - Amethyst
Deicide - I Am No-one
Talking Heads - Pull Up The Roots
Kate Bush - How To Be Invisible
Wu Tang Clan - Tears
Math Nerds - Tauntology
The Smiths - How Soon Is Now?

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