what about using Tiesto as bear bait?  ;-)


theREALmxyzptlk <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote on 05/30/2007 08:29:51

> There used to be a lot of laws  in Britain about bear-baiting.
> I wonder if any of those can be applied to Tiesto baiting.
>             jeff
> >
> > You're right Kent. Still, there's nothing like a bit of Tiesto baiting
> > to brighten up the day.
> --------------------
> > Honestly this is shooting fish in a barrel.  And frankly if there
> > a Tiesto we'd have to create one. In order for us to be 'those who
> > know,' there has to be a 'them that don't know sh*t' so Tiesto is doing
> > us a valuable service.
> >

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