The Record Collector, Iowa City's premiere record store for 25 years,
is moving locations, and is blowing out EDM vinyl of all sorts -- 10
records for $50, 25 for $75, 50 for $125, 100 for $200.  Anyone
wanting to drive over from Chicago can stay at my place if you want to
make a pilgrimage.

What's there? I've gotten 50 records so far, and only scratched the
surface.  Basic Channel, UR, Force Tracks, Traxx, Relief, Kanzleramt,
Profan, Disco records, Tech House, tons of House...

For some reason there aren't many local vinyl DJs left, because they
say just me and a couple of other people have jumped on this.  There
is still tons of stuff -- I found 60 records and put back 35...

What I got tonight:

UR Message To The Majors
Basic Channel Phylyps Base BC02
Basic Channel BC03
Suburban Knight My Sol Dark Direction
Random Noise Generation The Unknown/Total Recall
Shawn Rudiman Overtone Ep
Paperclip People Clear And Present/TweakItYourself
Theo Parrish Segments From The Fifth Wheel
Paperclip People The Floor/Reach/Steam (on Touche'?)
Random Noise Generation Random Beats + Tracks Vol 3
New Order V Pape Blue Monday boot
Nitzer Ebb V Thomas Heckmann Join In The Chant/Shame
Model 500 Be Brave
I:Cube Picnic Attack
Luomo Livingston
Lil' Louis & The World  Saved My Life
Jason Hogan Peter and The Rooster
Robert Hood Technatural EP
Chain Reaction Helical scan CR-11
Innerzone Orchestra People Made The World Go Round
Florence - Sonic Commuter
Cab Voltaire Keep On (with the Mayday Remix)
A Guy Called Gerald FX (with the Mayday Remix)
Robert Hood M-P316 Psychic/Pole Position
Designer Music - Problems

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