Can I just second that ! (hi Dan, Juanjo, Greg ;-)

Last year was my first Sonar, and I really can't recommend it highly enough.

Easyjet flight from the UK is ~80 quid, accomodation isn't expensive.

It'd be rude not to go. ;-)


Subject: RE: (313) SONAR
Date: Wed, 1 Mar 2000 12:27:22 -0000

Yeah, just do it - you really can't go wrong if you have any kind of
love for electronic arts, full-stop.
The line-up is bound to be superb, with a lot of local talent in addition
to more well known acts.
The city is of course a beautiful setting.
Best memory of last year - grooving away at 8am on the beach
terrace beneath the morning sun to Angel Molina's deep house set
with a 1000 happy people lost in music (Buena Vida, indeed!).
Juanjo (who is hiding somewhere on the list!) will probably know
more about this year's line-up.

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