thanks for finally settings things straight on where the speech first came from,
*Now* can it be put to rest??

yeah I did catch a bit of the Motor Drug bust on channel for that night. I got
the impression it was dealers working within the Motor, but not in conjunction
with the Motor. They played an undercover tape of a undercover cop buying some
roofies from some dude and later showed him assuming the position outside
against a cop car. Then of course they tried to tie it in with the date rape
murder trail currently underway. Isn't it disgusting how the Detroit news media
sensationalizes every little story and brags constantly about being the first to
bring you exclusive reports (most of which are half assed informationally
devoid, non stories) "Topping the news tonight, a story you'll only hear first
on WDIV: are your kids really asleep after you've put them to bed? You'll be
surprised what our hidden cameras caught at what just may be your house!" :^)

Lets not forget the crippling Blizzard of 2000 coverage which shutdown most of
the tri-county area and sent everyone into a panic, but never materialized. it
was funny how they still tired to salvage the big story even after every
prediction about it was wrong! :^)



> I can't believe how some people on this list continue to put out incorrect
> information.
> It is now obvious that some cats simply "Can't Handle The Truth!" But for
> those TRUE brothas & sistas who thirst for truth and knowledge, here is the
> real deal:
> The ORIGINAL VERSION of the famous speech "In the beginning there was Jack,
> and Jack had a groove . . . ." is by ITALO ECSTASY. The track is entitled "MY
> HOUSE," and was ORIGINALLY released on XYZ RECORDS late in the year 1986.
> Yes, it was used as a "vocal drop" on top of many instrumental recordings
> over the years, including Mr. Fingers' "CAN YOU FEEL IT." But don't get it
> twisted ladies and gentlemen. The Mr. Fingers' version (which was originally
> Changing the subject, did anyone else see the quick news story on WDIV
> (channel 4) 11:00PM News Cast on Thursday night (March 2nd)??? They talked
> about a police under cover probe which has been on going for 4 months at the
> Motor Lounge. They arrested four people for dealing drugs. I'm just curious
> if anyone else saw this, and if so, why no one else has mentioned it on this
> list?
> peace & respect,
> TP

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