"FrogboyMCI" on AOL Instant Messenger

New mix, "Propper Techno" online now. New Album, "The Quebequois", soon to
-----Original Message-----
From: Phonopsia <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: Klaas-Jan Jongsma <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Tuesday, March 07, 2000 8:32 PM
Subject: Re: Max 404 - Love and Mathematics [was (313) Lowlands info?]

>>> If you check the Eevolute website you can hear some Real Audio.
>>> Definitely as essential as Agenda 21, maybe even more so!
>>> Also considering these 12"s can fetch some exorbitant prices it's
>>> awesome to see Eevolute not only reissuing them on CD but keeping
>>> the CD in print (if other labels did even only the former).
>>For all you out there who are having a hard time finding these cd's in
>>your records store, the eevolute web site (
>>offers a nice piece of technology called mail-order. All the Eevolute
>>cd's are still available through mail-order. So everyone can now listens
>>to the brilliant max 404 album on eevolute, why did nobody mentioned
>>this, am i the only one who thinks this is a great album?:-)
>>Unfortunately the 12" not, man i would love to get my hands on eevo 003
>>from 2001.
>Agreed. The Max 404 album is well worth acquiring. Very diverse and rather
>long, with very few throw away tracks (although I always think I'm
>to a perverse Enigma song when I hear track 6, "Across the Street"). "How
>Bluff Your Way into Techno Music", is another favorite for purely academic
>reasons. He also had a classic track on a new elctronica compilation called
>6 am in Eindhoven, or something like that. What's Mr. 404 up to these days?
>Odd to think that album came out almost five years ago...
>"FrogboyMCI" on AOL Instant Messenger
>New mix, "Propper Techno" online now. New Album, "The Quebequois", soon to

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