o.k. heres how it goes.

My name is micho. Some may know me as the video guy since thats what i do(i.e. motor and science etc.)

I felt it necessary to do a shameless plug for a show im participating in.

On saturday march 19th around 9:00pm at a gallery called "Zeitgest" on Michigan Ave. about 2 or 3 blocks past the old tiger stadium away from downtown. Anyway its a free show so theres nothing to loose and its early, we will go on around 9:30pm.

Heres a quick explanation. I do basically an "experimental-electro" and use many of my own modified gear and homebuilt gear such as toys. The set is completely live includeing the beats which i render on extremely modified 606's. Its a very unique sound and Im sure you wont hear anything like it. And then afterward, if you liked the sounds of certain things, i can modify your own gear... Oh did I mention that I may be broadcasting from mars?

more info? e me @ [EMAIL PROTECTED]


::create : recreate : alter::

::micho leeraven mcadow
::synthetic - detroit

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