
> So the question is... does anyone else hear that similarity or is it
> my imagination?

IMO, in some things you might say that it resembles, but just when
Rolando produces the 4/4 stuff, a little bit more "tech-house"
oriented. But Rolando has skills in other areas of Techno and Electro
too, so you may say he's an overall player, while Octave One are
generaly more focused in the style that they almost defined :-)
Andrew Duke has an interview with Laurence (i think) on Cognition in
which he says they're gonna start producing different stuff from what
they've been doing up until now. Care to post the full URL for the
interview, Andrew?

> ... AND... does anyone know how tight the UR folks are with Octave

Very tight. Or so it seems. Last time (was it the first too?) the UR
crew was in Europe(UR London 98 at the Cloud Nine Club), they brougth
some of the Burdens too, including Laurence.
Oh, and Lance, one of the Burden brothers (from the second set of
children of the Burden parents) makes and mantains the website for
Submerge, UR's distributor. The Burdens and UR seems to be a long term
relationship, even more consolidated with the Revenge of the Jaguar CD
on 430 West.

> [Please -- I hope I'm not sticking my foot in my mouth here ... I'd
> myself in the ass if I found out that one of the brothers was
> to me) -- in UR.  heh]

Not quite, but I guess you could consider Lance Burden's work in
Submerge as Resistance Activity.

Since I remembered the UR London, I think there was a web page wi
pictures from that night. Would anyone care to point me to the right
direction or send me the pictures of that night? Never heard so many
good music in so little time. Hearing Jupiter Jazz in a club got me
smiling for three days straight :-)

"no hope, no dreams, no love, the only escape is Underground"

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