oOo Caltrop oOo wrote:

> I've noticed that the label Warlock is reissueing old dance classics.
> Can anybody recommend me particular releases? (I had Freeze's "I.O.U" in my
> hands but wasn't sure if I wanna buy it)

among other releases (i assume) gerald's "voodoo ray," george kranz'
"din daa daa," & dominatrix "dominatrix sleeps tonight" have been



by collapsing concept into matter, & the mental 
into the material, the rekkid [sic] functions in 
2 parallel systems:  as a concept visualized on
vinyl & as punishing frequencies, orchestrally 
arranged Techno, sepulchral & frosted, a 
Rhythmachine of planetary information.    

                --kodwo eshun
                  "synthetic fiction/electronic thought"
                  _more brilliant than the sun:  
                        adventures in sonic fiction_

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