>> Get your ass over
>> here Alan!!   :-)
> What can I tell you, Europe doesn't want me !

but bloomington, indiana certainly did! :)

gotta say, alan tore it up for us this past weekend...

special moments included
- alan killing the sound and telling it like it is, "fuck the bullshit!"...
- a complete 180 from a deep mull track into dearborn's "voice of god"
(which turned into a techno sing along with a bunch of crazy techno nuts
singing acapella: "the voice...of god")
- a comment to delta nine (who was following alan) to take his hardcore
- the octave one "jaguar" remix
- and getting an oddly-timed and unexpected free peep show while chilling at
the back of the venue (i won't forget the look on your face alan...) :)

damn. thank god for good music.

bom shankar!

: varsha - psychedelic techno            :
: [EMAIL PROTECTED]                         :
: PTLF : SUBterror : Scarab Records      :
: Nokturnal Netwerks                     :
: http://beam.to/varsha                  :
: AOL AIM: varshaPTLF                    :

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