Bush was started by Eric Gooden and
Eric Powell. Though this way have changed
since, Dave Clarke (the man who did the
Red series) never was and never has been
involved in Bush records in any way other
than recording for them (gosh, i sound all
lawyerey :)) The names Dave Clarke and
Dave Clark are quite common, so just cos
ya see one and/or the other, don't automatically
assume it is the Dave Clarke who recorded
the Red series (he ain't on any mailing lists).
There is a Dave Clark on this
list, there is a Dave Clark(e) (can't remember
if he has the e on the end or not) that owns
Soma records, etc, etc. Andrew duke

Nick Craddock wrote:

> Dave,
> The other Dave Clarke doesn't own Bush either to my knowledge.
> This seems to be quite a popular misconception, but I don't know where it
> stems from.
> Regards,
> Nick
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Cognition/Andrew Duke's In The Mix
1096 Queen St #123 Halifax NS Canada B3H 2R9

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