   Just a reminder for those of you on in the Northwest... well even those of 
you on the west coast, for those of you who don't want to miss
Random Noise Generations only live Gig in North America since
the Electronic Entourage tour in August of 99. They will be playing here , in 
Portland Oregon, tomorrow , March 18, 2000. If you are in any kind of driving 
distance,I urge you to come see them play live. It's an experience not to be 
Plus You'll get Octave One/Lawrence Burden djing as well.

Location: Zoot Suite  13 NW 13th Ave Portland Oregon.

For more detailed information... check out ...

Renegade Rhythms               email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Exploring the Inner Dimensions of Sound  
Next Live Real Audio Broadcast: Sat March 18, 2000 

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