Stewart Moroney wrote:
> Yes Killabite is Ben Sims.

Are you sure its not Robert Jarvis?  I came across two guestbook entries

Name: Rob Jarvis
"wha'sup? hope all is going well with you guys & girls..i haven't
visited the site for a while so im just checking out the charts & stuff.
let me know whats happening
     (forthcoming releases, tours etc etc...) peace out for now.. Love
and Respect from THE ORIGINAL KILLABITE (look out for Killa03 comin'

and also

Name: Robert Jarvis
";-) Hi from Rob (Killa Bite) London, Hope all is cooool? ....How often
is this site updated? e-mail me.....p.s like the Tronic label (i used to
work for Prime for 4
     years (i know Adam B through Jell Ford)."

Hmm...  perhaps its a joint venture?


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