It's almost annoying to see so many posts on a lame ass NY Times article. 
We all have noticed how utterly retarted the "Rave" scene has become (or
always was in my opinion).  But Techno (and all ther sub-genres because I
refuse to use that god forsaken Electronica word) in general is now an
officially established ass sucking mainstream phenomenom and it has been
progressing that way for years.  And if you'll take a short look back into
history you'll see what occurs whenever any music based "Scene" become a
mainstream chunk of popular culture (punk, Disco, even late 80's Hair
metal).  YOU GET SHIT AND IT DIES OFF INTO OBSCURITY! The desperation and
the heart are lost from the music and all the bandwagon hoppers make it
annoying for the "old schoolers" to go out to hear what they love.  Money
and record labels have forced it's way into it and it's impossible for any
of us to go see if say Jeff Mills still has it or if he sucks now (I'm
curious) but his goddamn fees are too much, so I doubt I'll ever know. Who
the fuck cares if so and so get's the recognition they deserve, they are
artists and the fact that there is this list devoted to knowing what color
every Detroit Dj's shoe's were at such and such show should let you know
that they get true recognition from those who know.  FUCK the Mainstream
Media-it's all lies anyway.  Fuck the suck ass Dj's and Producer's who get
huge off a name or a cheesy MTV track (or showing some tit like DJ Rap). 
I'm gettin annoyed as fuck by hearing a shitty jungle track on every car
commercial or Pantene Pro V's House tracks.  But hey it's ultra popular and
the quality is dying for the sake of quantity and you'll keep gettin more
and more nostalgic.  I could go on bitching forever but won't cause I have
to work.  So in Closing Fuck the New York Times.  Instead of bitching on
this list why don't we go write the truth and spread it.  Otherwise just sit
back and watch it all suck worse and worse until you wake up one day telling
you kids what is was like to be a Raver in the 90's (like your friends Hippy
mom did about the 60's)

On Wed, 22 Mar 2000 08:57:32 PST, Diana Potts wrote:

>  ...seems like a good 'first baby steps' kinda article. my only beef is
>  the author decided on Basement Jaxx as the highlight artist for
>  Basement Jaxx's tracks have less soul in their pinkie finger compared to
>  likes of KDJ, Terrence Parker or even the early Jon A./Definitive 
>  Tracks...not to mention planetE releases. But perhaps those are left
>  untouched/tainted. Not to mention, with all due respect to Mr.Hawtin,
>  are OTHER detroit techno artists besides the said 4 and 
>  him...coughAlanOldham...and others that its about time people learned
>  1month&coutning
>  Diana
>  George Bush Jr. is a moron
>  ::icq::30793657
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