would that have been "Journey through the hardcore"? where, during moby's set
the lasers spelled out "RAVE" and i believe i recall him chanting "come on rave"
over his hideous music....


Lester Kenyatta Spence <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> on 03/22/2000 02:43:04 PM

 To:        mitch buchannon <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>                              
            [EMAIL PROTECTED], 313@hyperreal.org(bcc: Holly C                  
 Subject    Re: (313) To Richie's Credit (was NY Times)                        

On Wed, 22 Mar 2000, mitch buchannon wrote:

> wrong
> The reason I'm not sure
> >that I buy this is because techno had already made the leap to Europe
> >before Hawtin blew up....and when it made its way back in the form of rave
> >music, it seems to me that Hawtin got caught up IN that scene

Wait a second.  In either 1992 or 1993 I attended a gig at the Majestic
with 16 DJ's.....8 in a "techno" room and another 8 in a "house" room.
The house room was filled with the house heads I grew up with...all black.
The techno room was filled with a markedly younger, white audience.  Hung
out in Pittsburg in that same year.....and walked by the room of a young
white woman with nothing but techno posters hanging up on the wall.  Gigs
in the Pitt, in Iowa....in KENTUCKY.

So when you say "wrong" is it that you have some information I'm not
privvy to.....or is there something else at work here?


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