Just noticed a mix of mine that's finally available.

It's from an event i was a part of 2yrs ago called M1 (a 54hr dj
Anyways, it was my first attempt at playing on 3 decks - a few rough
spots, but what do you expect. 

The best part about the mix is the sound quality!
It's gotta be the worst i've ever heard. It was originally recorded onto
a VHS tape, then transferred onto someones hard drive. So, for all you
tape hiss lovers... but it just isn't the tape hiss, there's also these
weird clicks here and there + level drops. Enough of my ramblings...
hope you get the picture.

Here's the Real Audio link: http://www.technologix.org/ram/m1/matrix.ram

I was so surprised about the find - i had to share it with someone.



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