On Sun, 4 Nov 2001, Ian wrote:

+Not to turn this into a particularly long thread, but what would you
+consider to be other midwestern "influences" on what has become Trance?

maybe some stuff out of minnesota?  that place has always been pretty
candy anyways... thinkin stuff like on head in the clouds (rob williams
"2 voices" on H012),  stuff on analogue... memoirs of an acid junkie
comes to mind... since we're talking about minnesota might as well give
prince a shout out.

and milwaukee too.  drop bass couldn't be more trance.  it would be hard
anyways... i don't know if they could pull it off.  the beer's good, but i
stay for the cheese (and the glass).

and st. louis itself is trance to the core... i've only been there two
times, an i've never heard much music to come out of there, but i just
wanted to call st. louis trance for a minute on this list.  that was *so*

you're trance too.  you're all trance.  you just don't know it yet... only
i do (as my eyes get all shifty like felix the cat's).

but to answer your question, some jerk in ohio probably started the whole
damn thing.

i wish superstar dj keoki lived in the midwest so i could say his name
more.  he's not necessarily trance, but he plays it on his cds.

(psst, hey atomly, trance sucks.)



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