someone wrote:
To record execs, artists are no different than toasters and blenders. They
don't care if you're black, white, hispanic, asian, ect. They don't care
if you're male or female. They don't care about your plight trying to make
it in the world. Your sob story means nothing. They care wether you can
sell records and make them money.

This is only true if you consider that our world is not based on a hierarchy 
that orders us according to our race, gender, class and sexuality. and that the 
people making the bucks generally fit one pattern. those who only wish to make 
money are perpetuating this by giving superiority to those who fit the mould, 
or the stereotypes created for artists to squeeze into. this is not a 
conspiracy theory, it is a reality.

yeah, i recognise people have to pay the bills. but if this is the ultimate end 
for all of us, many people on the list will be without jobs and i will stop 
listening to music. 
like glyph said, problem or solution. i'd personally rather die broke than buy 
into the crap. i also wouldn't have any music to listen to if others hadn't 
felt this way.

support to laura and the rest who make it possible for the rest of us lay 
people to feel like someone is still fighting. if it wasn't for detroit music, 
i would be still listening to my 70's reggae and wondering why the world had 
given up. this music gave that back to me and i will support it in its struggle 
as long as it wishes to continue what will never be an easy ride. 

like diana, i  work with kids and you only to have to be around them to know 
that realise the shit we are up against.  i once told someone on the list that 
it is a cuss amongst them to call someone an 'african',  this sort of 
internalised racism starts early and is compounded at all oppurtunities. we 
need a lot of time and effort to break down this shit, it took someone a lot to 
build it up.

the businessman has an obligation, just like everyone on this list, whoever 
they are and whatever they do. sony ect. have control of a lot of minds, of 
course they have a duty.
if you are ethical, like you said, then you must realise this.

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