In a message dated 3/2/02 12:34:53 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

<< Peter, maybe I am missing something, but what I read this as is "you
unwashed heathens, quit thinking for yourselves and just listen to me. 
I have been playing this game a long time and still don't have it right,
but if you listen to me anyway, things will be okay."'re not on the right track.  I don't care whether people listen to 
me or not - OK, maybe I do a little bit.  However, I'd never discourage 
anyone for 'thinking for yourselves'.  Unfortunately, that's the problem with 
the masses, the majority can't think for themselves.  I think everyone on 
this list would all agree with that.

And if you ask anyone that knows me professionally, they'll tell you that I 
have it more right than I get credit for.  Just look at the way my most 
notable former employer has slipped a lot of cred points in the 4 years since 
I've left.  If everyone listens to me, will everything all be OK?  I hope so, 
but I'm human. I've been known to be wrong occasionally.

Discussion is good, and we all know things that go beyond the scope of
our jobs.  

>>>Of course.  I know a little bit about clothing design but I work in the 
music biz.  However, I'm not Giorgio Armani, nor do I profess to be.  You dig 
where I'm coming from here?

Lighten up.  You don't have any better answers than the rest of us, 

>>>You're off the mark a bit here.  I do have a lot of answers. I've worked 
in this industry for 15 years in a variety of capacities.  Almost my entire 
career has been intrinsically involved in this music and culture.  It doesn't 
make me any better than anyone else but it does make me more qualified to 
offer credible insights.  However, all that doesn't necessarily put me in a 
position to affect that change.  The policies and politics of the music 
business have been place longer than I've been alive. It may not change in my 
lifetime or perhaps my children's.  Should I be Doug Morris or David Munns or 
Ahmet Ertegun or Richard Branson so I can make a change?  Why not! But I have 
no delusions of grandeur.  

What sent me out of delurk mode in the first place is individuals on this 
list whining and complaining about stuff that they don't really know much 
about.  To take it back to my analogy above, while I may disagree with the 
colors that Giorgio Armani may have chosen for his Fall 2002 line I don't go 
whinging about it and act like a bitch.

There are loads of 'experienced' hands on this list (not just myself and 
Laura) that would possibly engage in intelligent discussion and offer further 
insight as to why things are the way they are in this business if people made 
inquiries in a more diplomatic tone.  We're all in this together and are 
fighting for the same thing.  To get the music we like, no love, heard and 
respected.  But we can only fight the 'programmers' if we educate ourselves 
and understand the manner in which to carry out our fight.

even though perhaps you feel the effects more strongly, since you remain in 
that industry.

>>>Do I, brother.  I gotta deal with journalists who don't understand the 
music, A&R people with no clue but a big ego, politics, marketing people who 
think they're experts on the music (even though they've only worked one 
project in the genre), and that's just the tip of the iceberg.

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