What about DJ Pierre ? 

"... he made 'Wild Pitch' famous throughout the European, Asian and
eventually US markets".

Just wondering because last time he played in NYC the flyer touted him as
being the originator of acid house. Of course you can't believe everything
you read on a flyer but i've heard this from other people as well.


-----Original Message-----
From: Jongsma, K.J. [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, March 06, 2002 11:01 AM
To: 313@hyperreal.org
Subject: RE: [313] acid (house)

Of course there a lot of different opinions on what was the first acid track
but i think i am fairly save when say it's Phuture's Acid Tracks. There is a
nice interview with Marshal Jefferson in the Modulations documentary where
he explains how he made that track together with Nick Jones and Spanky. 

When you are looking for some good ol'acid house check the shit Armando
made, he made some amazing stuff. Tracks like 1-5-1, Land of Confusion and
Confusion Revenge still make me smile and bounce around. 

For more 313-related acid try WPA's Seawolf and the Acid Rain I - III
records on Underground Resistance. The old stuff on UR has a lot of TB in
it, Jupiter Jazz for instance...


> Greetings all.
> Just to expand my knowledge a bit more, I have been recently 
> interested in
> acid/acid house and its history. When I think of this "genre" 
> Baby Ford and
> portamento'd 303 basslines come to mind, but I'm sure I am either just
> scratching the surface or overgeneralizing. The track "Are 
> You Saved?" by
> Traxx and Deecoy on the Int. Deejay Gigolos comp. 5 got my 
> gears turning
> mentally as to ask what the roots/sounds of acid truly are.
> If possible, please post links/discogs/mixes.


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