
I am trying to get the lines of communication opened and
 flowing in an efficient manner.  anyone who can help in
 any way, please contact me:

Joe DelCimmuto

we have a few problems, some bigger than others:

1.) no venue YET
2.) no sound system yet (hopefully the venue has one?? :)
3.) are we charging for admission?
4.) are we paying ppl who play?

there are more, but you get the idea.

so far, I have offers for the following services:

1.) flyer design 
2.) web design
3.) web hosting
4.) offers from several people to play

as of now, those of you who have offered the above services
 should assume I will be contacting you very soon to take
 you up on your offers. on behalf of myself and the list,
 thank you.

if we have flyers, someone has to pay for them.  I would
 split it with other people, but at that point we need to
 consider reciprocating our money that we've spent.  there
 are other things that require money I am sure, but I cant
 get my head around this today while at work :)

I think its realistic to assume we could have a $10 fee to
 get in, all night music and still cover our expenses.  it
 would be nice to pay the musicians, if only for their
 limited expenses.

I hope we can pull together and make this something special
 for detroit and the world to share with us, but I need
 your help (yes you)

Thanks for the read,

-Joe DelCimmuto

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