hi folks.  just perusing the old [313] archives circa '95-'96.  let me
tell you...  deason is a cut-up!  i'm laughing my a** off.  larkin wants to
do stand up?  get outta town!  we need to get sean a slot on "ha!" [are they
still around?]
case in point>>>
  "WHAT!!?? And you call yourself a FAN???!!! Hell I have a turn table in my
car, in my bathroom, I've gotten to the point where I refuse to go anywhere
witch doesn't assure me twenty four hour access to a turntable. And in my
we didn't have those fancy smancy "1200's" we used to use Fisher Price
N' Plays" and we LIKED IT!
Oops, I hear the nurses coming down the hall, must be time for my
gotta run ;-)" -sean deason<<<

  anyway, it's late.  thought i'd give you folks a smile. : )
  thanx for the laughs mister deason.


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