Hello folks!

I have a record that comes without any info about the artists and therefore I 
would like to ask all you trainspotters out there for a little bit of help.

It is a 12" in clear vinyl with a big coloured "Radioactivity" sign on the 
labels. There is an info on the cover that tells: "Mururoa - Stop it! All 
profit made from this EP by participating artists and record companies will be 
donated to charities that can help end nuclear weapons testing"
On the back of the cover are more infos in french, italy, english and dutch....
I really think that there are 4 different artists on this record like the cover 
also says"....from different places around the world ( The hague, Detroit, 
London, Rome) have joined together...."
One track sounds really like Ectomorph and another like Aphex Twin!!!!!!

Does anybody know this record and can tell me more about it? Artists?

Thanx in advance.....


          STARBABY Rec.                                           
          DOWN LOW MUSIC 
          NATIVE Rec.                                         
          KEYNOTE Rec.  (ex-Ground Zero Rec.)

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