HI everyone,

    sorry for being a bit late on the return with this one:

> GOOD. As many smart labels have figured out the deepest headz are brave enough
> to handle the switch-ups in tempos and styles within a single label (Planet E,
> also to some degree also Rush Hour, Archive, Kindrid Spirits, Delsin, etc. to
> name a few.  Also other Glasgow labels are on a roll, how about their other
> great genre-bending labels like Iridide and Emoticon too?)

I spoke to Tom Churchill (Emoticon) last week when he was in Amsterdam and
he was discussing a new project he was releasing in a Masters At Work/Jazzy
Bassline/Off Beat drums vein- good for the "genre-busting" points and good
for music in general.  There is a fine balance between picking up a labels
releases and being pleasantly surprised by a carefully chosen departure from
the norm and the other extreme where you just don't know what to expect

A lot of people don't like to to be too confused by label's output- we were
criticised occasionally on our first release for having too many styles on
one record- it wasn't an overly eclectic choice we thought, it wasn't a
Coil/Kylie "mash up" or anything.  In the future Iridite will definitely be
releasing more House oriented tracks and if the quality is right, Hip Hop
and anything else we can get our hands on.  Distributors definitely aren't
too keen on multi  themed  releases but it seems distributors aren't too
keen on ANYTHING these days :)


Jason Brunton
> peace,
> Matt

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