it's an older release, r&s 92010

black side
a1. clinically inclined (remix)
a2. jam packed

silver side
b1. nort route (r&s remix)
b2. nort route (remix)

especially the version of clinically inclined is gorgeous,
bangs more funky as other versions, that liaisons d loop moves on & on

art4 has another version of nort route, as does the planet e release(?)

At 16-9-99 +0100 12:42 , you wrote:
>From Lance's setlist:
>>. Balil: nort route/r&s remix #2 (R&S)
>Pardon my ignorance, but is this a recent re-issue or an old release?
>The only version of 'Nort Route' I have is on the 'Objet D'Art' compilation
>on New Electronica. I knew there were other mixes of it around but I've
>never seen the R&S release...
>      tom churchill
>   headspace recordings
>     t: 0976 898514

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