Wud UP Detroit! Yesterday, the web site for The NeoTribe Coalition was posted 
to the net... The NeoTribe is a new co-operative project of several Detroit 
House and Jungle Composers- we are a non-profit co-op solely for the purpose 
of distributing new artists music to the underground... where it belongs... 
    All our music is totally free and it's all made right in Detroit by the 
kids you fill warehouses with... The music is all in *.mp3 format- The 
archive is not completely finished, but the majority of the site is up and 
there is music available for download...

    <A HREF=" http://www.geocities.com/Tokyo/Subway/3652 ">The NeoTribe 
        Check us out... Keep it Real... I'll check you guys out at Unified...


-[The NeoTribe Coalition]-

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