cyborg elpH wrote:
> Has anyone decided (now that you have had it for a while) that the newer
> Jeff Mills from Japan is *really* worth the $30 import price?

It's pretty good, but not as good as "the other day" I reckon, now I've had it
for over a week and had a bit of a listen. An interesting mix of bouncy minimal
rhythmic techno (sorry for my bad description!) and slower atmospheric bits. I'm
still listening to it a week later which is a good sign.

Track 2, "Solara" is excellent.

Now to complete my exploration of the Jeff Mills back catalogue.. if i can
afford it.

A: Because spending too much money for things reaffirms my place in the class
   class system and reassures me that the hassles of my crappy job pay off in
   the end, by separating me from those who can't afford to pay too much for 

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