here are some new techno things I'm currently
enjoyin' (anything that hasn't been played
on the syndicated show yet will be on
there pretty darn soon :)) that I urge you
to check out when they hit the shelves:
--Twerk--Enemies Of The State EP
(US Organized Noise) out early Oct;
4 moody tracks in that wonderful Twerk style;
i'll be putting this online in full in RA hopefully
later today
--Pressure Funk--Pressure Theme 12" (UK
Soma) out October 25; the original of Pressure
Theme is included along with remixes from
Pressure Funk themselves (aka Slam) and
Percy X; there's also a Marco Carola remix
of Full Force (the song "full force" that is, not
the r & b band who used to produce Lisa
Lisa and Cult Jam and now produce Backstreet
Boys! ;))
--Titonton Duvante--Voyeurism remixes package 12"
(US/FR Starbaby); remixes of Inuendo and Boudoir
by Rue East (Mark Broom with Dave Hill), the original
of Boudoir, and a remix from Stefan Manceau,
Christophe Bouthe, and Jymmy Dark (out mid Oct)
--the forthcoming Tresor releases: DJ T-1000's
Progress album (online in full in RA now on
and VICE (Jay Denham)'s Trojan Horse EP
(both out in October)
--Steve Stoll's new "Supernatural" full length
on Proper (out now; online in full on
Cognition) and new single--simply
called "212-031-1" (out soon)
--Wild Planet--Genetic remixes 12" (the original electo-y
track plus two four on the floor mixes from WP that will
appeal to fans of Moving On/Synthetic) (out soon)
--Emphasis 002 EP (US Emphasis; out now?)
--Jacek Sienkiewicz--forthcoming EP (Recognition/Warsaw
PL); coming out in November on vinyl; online in full in RA
now on Cognition
--three new ones on Black Nation: from Jay Denham,
Archetype, and Defenders Of The Ghetto (out soon)
--promoed a few months back but out now (the former two)
or soon (the latter three): Tektite's Second Array comp EP
and Stewart Walker's "Stabiles" album on Mille Plateaux plus
Dan Curtin's EP and album on Elypsia and John Beltran's
Indio on Transmat
--Rob Wakeman's (from the UK) unreleased demo CDR
--Sutekh--Double Entendre EP (Context 03) out soon
--more Twerk: Dissertation Abstract EP (Cytrax 11);
out soon
Check 'em out when you have the opportunity.
Andrew Duke :)
Cognition/Andrew Duke's In The Mix
1096 Queen St #123 Halifax NS Canada B3H 2R9

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