>Whats the verdict on Luke Slaters new material btw?

Luke Slater's new album Wireless is just the shit. This is an album for both
listening and the dancefloor. It is electro/techno-driven music with deeply
burried guitar and breakbeats. I would imagine that 313 heads would love
this album. Slater's music has depth and conceptual power in the tradition
of Mills and others.

The song that is doing heads in with Melbourne's DJs is All Exhale, the
first single.

Personally though I think the track to kill for is Weave Your Web. It is a
classic track like Love (from Freek Funk) though musically it holds its own.

Anyone see that BBC production The Planets? The last episode examined
humanity's recorded attempts - and essential need - to find life and
sustainable living conditions elsewhere in the universe, as our sun and the
earth are now middle-aged and will eventually die. They used
computer-generated images to show how the sun would run out of fuel and
expand to become a red star, devouring all the planets immediately within
its orbit. Earth would possibly survive this but the planet would be
rendered unlivable and all life would melt away. I was thinking how Weave
Your Web would have been great theme music to this dramatic episode as it is
very cinematic, grand and spacey. It builds and builds but never climaxes
and then seques into the brutal distorted beauty of In The Pocket.

This comes from the Novamute bio:

"Slater was determined to produce an album that almost went back to basics,
an album that utilised the sounds of his youth [don't be scared but Slater
liked pro rock] and pushed them into the future. Inspired by industrial
electronic rock, Slater drafted in live percussion and guitar to add muscle
to his sounds.

Wireless... is testament to Slater's ever developing musical mind. Not
content with remaining static and trading on the success of Freek Funk,
Slater has once again swerved violently to confound any pre- conceived

Slater will also be in Melbourne for NYE for a different event alongside
(among others) Space DJz and FSOM.


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