Complain all you want, but at least consider the economics of it.
Some back of the envelope figuring:

Cost of pressing 4 12" -- roughly 4-6 dollars per unit plus about
$1200-1500 for cutting and plating.  Labels - 5 cents a piece (10
cents per record)

Cover to hold records - $500 setup for custom art, 25-50 cents for
cover printing.

So your cost of doing a 4x12 with a run of a 1000: $6000 or $7000.

You'll be lucky to get $12 wholesale for that, meaning that if you
don't spend a DIME on promotion you'll net $5000 or $6000 on the run.
You have to pay the artists out of that.  The only way an artist makes
real money out of a release is if a) it gets them gigs b) the track is
picked up for a high-profile dj mix or c) it's sold into the
advertising/soundtrack market.

Long story short: making records is a way to spend money, not make money.

If the records are expensive at the retail level, beyond, say $8 per
disc, either the retailer or the wholesaler (or both) is raising the
price in response to demand.

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