Plastikman is dead...

...long live Bioman!

...or Ozonman

...or Goreman

...or Awarenessman

Anyway as long as plastik is gone, that is so global warming!

On 4-sep-2007, at 17:31, Emiliano Zani wrote:

> I get annoyed as hell when a musician thinks that because
> they sold lots of records and people like to listen to them
> mix other peoples music, that we automatically care about
> what they say about climate change, politics, etc.

I get annoyed as hell, too... But that's the way world goes
and seems like we can't hide all this BIG issues (til they
are so trendy&sexy):
- 2 years ago was erase the debt (of so-called-3rd world),
- last year's trend was Cambodian & African childs' adoption,
- now it's climate change...

So, is M_nus the new Brangelina? Is Richie the new AlGore???

/0 ha scritto:
I'm sure you're misunderstanding me, and perhaps thats my fault.

I get annoyed as hell when a musician thinks that because they sold lots of records and people like to listen to them mix other peoples music, that we automatically care about what they say about climate change, politics, etc.

it irritates me that minus is using my email to further their agendas, regardless of what they may be. they know damn well that I didnt give them my email addy for their hipocritical announcements regarding "climate change" (notice this was "global warming" until recently)

rich, you wanna help? dedicate a months worth of event fees to a university that has educated people working on studies relating to climate change. you're just an uneducated musician that flies all over the world, using jet fuel, electricity etc to provide a recreational service.

were this on, I would just ignore it.

this is just my opinion, not looking to get into "climate change" debates etc.

----- Original Message ----- From: "Davor Ostojic" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: <>
Sent: Monday, September 03, 2007 7:31 PM
Subject: Re: (313) this MINUS climate change BS

On 9/4/07, /0 <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
did anyone else get this crap from minus, jumping on the "climate change"

someone needs to remind them that they dont really matter in the grand scheme of things, and initiatives like this smack of over- inflated sense of

because Im sure playing 200 days a year on multi-thousand watt audio systems
is environmentally friendly...

sounds like richie ate too many pills this weekend

well, when you donate money for an operation to a sick child's
parents, i don't know how that over-inflates your sense of
self-importance, but it surely shows you know what IS important. how
does this Minus step endanger you  ? you disagree with what Minus is
doing ?

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