thats pretty great. great music always deserves vinyl. beatport cant
be blamed for the tastes of the young types these days.

On 1/20/08, Fred Heutte <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Found this on the Submerge site . . . with a shout out to Ron
> Murphy as you'll see ... [with edits to avoid the 313 Filter G####]
>     Submerge would like to sincerely thank everybody for yet
>     another year of underground music! Is vinyl dead?Is Detroit
>     dead? Well according to all of you guys...................hell
>     f### naw!! We are like the energizer bunny while others fall
>     off and die we just keep going and going and going!! Speaking
>     of "falling off" it is becoming apparent that many large
>     distributors and retailers are falling off. And often this
>     worries people as to the life expentancy of vinyl. Do not
>     fear!! Its simple...........................when you sell
>     bulls###.................eventually people figure it out!! When
>     you buy according to the latest magazines and fads that feature
>     the latest $3000 a month publicist backed artists dont feel bad
>     when people dont buy the s### cause it doesnt work on the
>     dancefloor!! This music lives,breathes and dies on top of some
>     1200's and in the hearts of the people dancing to it. No amount
>     of publicity, hype or fashion can dress up a turd or purchase a
>     child of the underground. So people UR truly the spirit that
>     keeps all of this alive. We will continue to struggle with our
>     low fi, basement/bedroom productions,edited by crazy ass Floyd
>     on the 1/4" 2 track,artwork by Haqq or Frankie on their
>     Mac's,mastered by grumpy ass Ron Murphy, plated by Desmond @
>     Mastercraft, pressed by Mike, Kenny or Andy at Archers on the
>     eastside, picked up by one of my "just outta jail" or "addict
>     in recovery" crew who i always have to give a job to or it just
>     wouldnt be me, packed and shipped by my sister Bridgette in a
>     recycled box thats probably been around the world 10 times and
>     pissed on by my dog Tank and then faithfully picked up by our
>     UPS man Matt everyday at 4pm and shipped to "Everywhere, Planet
>     Earth zip code 33 1/3. When this much reality and soul touches
>     every record you buy from here it really makes a digital
>     download seem quite void and vunerable. Circles have no end!!
>     Long Live Vinyl and Happy New Years to you and
>     yours....................................Mad Mike/UR/Submerge

Michael Kuszynski
New York, NY

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