Thanks for the update Aaron.

JUST because I have to be such a lawyer about it....

I'm wondering - is the memorial fund the same as the email address for

Or are there 2 funds?


On 1/22/08, Aaron-Carl <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hey there everyone...
> Just a quick little update. Over the weekend, I spoke with Ron's family.
> They're hanging in there as best as they can. I delivered the money I'd
> collected from the Memorial Fund so far -- I'm proud to say that we've
> passed the $500 mark so far. Well, I'm both proud AND surprised. At first
> I thought, this man did so much for us and all we could collect for him was
> $500? Then a few other things came to mind. I know that over this past
> weekend, there was at least ONE MORE funeral. (There were a few deaths last
> week alone that shook Detroit to its core.) I wonder if people had assumed
> that Ron's funeral was LAST Saturday instead of THIS COMING Saturday.
> For those who took a moment to help support Ron's Memorial Fund
> , thank you -- sincerely! For those
> who haven't, it's not too late. We'll be collecting donations all the way
> until the day of the funeral -- at which time, I'll distribute the proceeds
> directly to the family. I even plan to keep the fund going for a while
> afterwards, just to remind Ron's family that we are not forgetting about
> them -- OR Ron.
> Again, a big thank you to everyone who took the time to give whatever they
> could -- even if it was just a prayer. Let's continue to spread the love.
> Right now, we ALL could use a little bit more...
> Sincerely,
> Aaron-Carl

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