Dan... thanks for the input... since you won't be arriving until the
Saturday, does that mean you'll be staying for a few days after the
festival finishes?  You doing any interviews while your here?

Tom... I'll keep you posted, as soon as I know confirmation of the
groups, I'll let you know.  You know, I can't help but feel a bit of a
happyness hearing you say no matter what I have on it sounds
interesting...  I know how picky (and knowledgeable) you are with your
music, and if you think it sounds interesting without even hearing
who's playing... well, anyways, it just makes me feel happy for now...
I have a press date of April 25th. so I'll let you know by then whats
going to be booked.

Let me know when you'll be in Detroit and what you've got planned
already.    I know I personally really want to hit up the Soul Skate
this year.


On 3/13/08, Dan Bean <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I won't be there unfortunately since I fly in the day after, but by the sound 
> of it Inohs Sivad would fit your bill.
> -----Original Message-----
> From: U&I Design <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Sent: 13 March 2008 21:22
> To: 313 <313@hyperreal.org>
> Subject: (313) May 23rd
> Hey Everyone...
> I know there's a lot of complaints from people about DEMF never
> listening to people about what the people want... so I figured I
> should ask the enthusiasts of Detroit music what they would like to
> see.
> I'm Programming the Campus Martius Park FREE "4th Fridays" Festival
> that happens within walking distance from Hart Plaza the day before
> DEMF begins, and I'm gearing this event towards a Neo-Soul sound with
> DJ appeal.
> It's got to be live music, danceable, and able to connect with even
> those people who may not understand what Neo-Soul, Detroit House or
> Techno might be.
> I've got a list of people I'm putting forth already, I'm just really
> curious as to what the 313 hyperreal board would want to see.
> ~~

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