On Wed, Mar 26, 2008 at 10:01 AM, kent williams <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I think everyone wanted Kwame to be a great mayor for Detroit. Sadly
>  it was not to be.  I don't care where he dips his wick -- that's his
>  own business.  But there are plenty of ways he's loused up the
>  business of the City as well.
>  And I don't know all the facts of the case, either. But one thing I do
>  know, that I was taught as a young boy: A gentleman doesn't kiss and
>  tell.  Hauling someone up on perjury charges for trying to keep a
>  private matter private is BS -- it's the same as Clinton's
>  impeachment.

It's not the same as Clinton's impeachment because of a whole string
of reasons.  Starting with 2 girls are dead, policemen were fired
because they were trying to investigate the deaths, and then Kwame
pushed the city into a lawsuit that cost the city more than $8mil
during a trial where he was lying about the facts even before it even
went to trial.  I mean, if he really cared about the city, then he
wouldn't have forced the city to pay $8mil+ for something that he was
knowingly committing perjury for.

Whatever the case, NPR and a number of other media stations are
utilizing this Detroit political fight as a reference to the national
US political mess we are experiencing in the presidential office.  If
you listened to NPR the day the Detroit news was announced, they spent
the morning talking about Kwame, and they spent the afternoon taking
callers who wanted to remember their loved ones who died in the Iraq
war.  People were making comments about how after Suddham was hanged,
it should have been Bush and Chaney in the electric chair for the
wrongdoings they've done.  This went on for a few hours, with people
talking about how the President and VP need to be impeached and tried
for their war crimes.

Symbolic.  Detroit has a powerful effect on the globe.  This trial
with Kwame just may lead into the trial of the nations biggest
criminals, Bush and Chaney.  I think the world will be watching
closely on this one.  I hope this Detroit mess fuels the nations
ability to get a trial together against Bush and Chaney, who have cost
the nation billions in a war that was started from their lies.

My 2 cents...

>  On Wed, Mar 26, 2008 at 8:07 AM, Odeluga, Ken <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>  > OK. Fair enough Kent.
>  >
>  >  In passing, speaking of The City:
>  >
>  >  http://www.foxnews.com/story/0,2933,340939,00.html
>  >
>  >  Yes, I too do not know all the facts, so can't make any comment either
>  >  way, even were it my place to do so.
>  >
>  >  And I'm not making any comment one way or the other about the source
>  >  having anything to do with the veracity of the story. Not at all. Would
>  >  never do that.
>  >

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