#Fred, you are hysterical... where do you find these things?!


Well, I was on ne-raves back in the day, when there were
just a few dozen people each active on sfraves, ne-raves,
dcraves and uk-dance, and being on the lists was a good
way to keep in touch with developments all over.

I actually met a lot of the ne-raves crowd in New York
in September 1993.  Had a great picnic in Central Park,
hung out with Taylor 909 at his place in Brooklyn (after
he moved over from Mott St.), and went to the big party
at the old New York Coliseum on Columbus Circle where
the lineup, if memory serves, was Frankie Bones, Adam X,
Garth (from Wicked in SF) and Derrick Carter and Mark
Farina on 4 turntables, probably the greatest single DJ set
I've ever seen (they reprised this many years later right
here in Portland and were just atrocious, so I think it was
just lightning striking on that particular night).

This was well before ne-raves got hijacked by a bunch of
yammering high school hardcore enthusiasts.  All of the
original lists except 313 eventually suffered a similar fate
at the hands of ax-grinders and personal vendettas.
But 313 has managed to maintain through thick and thin.

As for Moby, I saw him on Scotto's NASA tour at the
SF Fashion Center, also in September 1993.  That was
a pretty great night with Aphex Twin, Orbital, and others.
But when Moby came on Brian Behlendorf and I went
up to the third level gallery and watched him from above
as he went to the front of the stage and flung his arms out
like Jesus summoning the multitudes for the feast of loaves
and fishes, and the crowd on the floor rushed the stage.

The following month, Moby wandered on to alt.rave and had
his head handed to him.



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