Martin Dust wrote:
The Human League use't to use a couple live back in the day, along with one of these:

On 14 Apr 2008, at 13:15, Thomas D. Cox, Jr. wrote:
On Mon, Apr 14, 2008 at 2:10 AM, Odeluga, Ken <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Anyway, just out of interest the machine was 'mass' produced (for a
synth!) and doesn't seem to me that rare, especially if you count the
various versions ....

how many have you seen in real life? i know some serious synth nerds,
and i think ive only seen a couple.....

Kinda funny reading these, for two reasons:

One, because cEvin Key from Skinny Puppy has one (along with a
jillion other synths, including a humongous Modular), so I
see one all the time whenever I go over to his place; and two,
because - and I know this sounds really weird - back in 1975-1976,
there was actually an Arp *store* in my hometown back in Massachusetts,
in the upstairs of a house converted into a package store on the
ground floor.  This place was on the main drag through town, but not
in the part with rows of shops - more like down near the residential
area end of town.

I used to go in there to noodle around before it (not surprisingly)
closed.  Of course, back then I fancied myself the next Emerson
rather than the next Eno, so it was all wasted on me.  I only wish
I'd had the presence of mind to take a photo of the sign and the
interior!  To this day, the idea that there was an Arp store in my
little suburban Boston burgh still trips me out.

   - Greg

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