I hope someone still has one of his 'no laptops' shirts they can wear to the show...


On Apr 16, 2008, at 10:50 AM, kent williams wrote:

One of my favorite techno artists and long time friend Stewart Walker
is doing an abbreviated US Tour, including a stop in my little corner
of nowheresville, Iowa City.  This is more his "Come Home For A Visit"
tour than "World Domination" tour -- you can tell by the way he's
zigging and zagging around the continent!

Apr 19 2008     8:00P   Listed  Chicago, Illinois
Apr 20 2008     8:00P   Picador         Iowa City, Iowa
Apr 24 2008     8:00P   Fricoti         Montreal, Quebec
Apr 25 2008     8:00P   VOLATL @ The Works      Detroit, Michigan
Apr 26 2008     8:00P   842 College St West     Toronto, Ontario
Apr 29 2008     8:00P   222 Hyde St.    San Francisco, California
May 2 2008      8:00P   NoTofu  Vancouver, British Columbia
Jul 13 2008     8:00P   La Masia        Barcelona
Jul 16 2008  11:45P    Montreux Jazz Festival - MDH Club        Montreaux
Aug 1 2008   11:00P    Waagenbau        Hamburg

Note to chicago heads: 'Listed' as you may know, is a promotion crew,
not a venue, and they're not announcing the venue until the day of, on
the website:


And in Iowa City we're contending with an early show in the same
venue, so there's not much point in showing up before 9:30PM...

Any out of towners for whom Iowa City is the closest location, who
want to come, drop me a line, and I might be able to help you sort out
someplace to sleep over besides a motel, and get you to an afterparty
if there is one ;-)

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