Good one, J.C. That little blooper slipped through in a moment of inattention, and I wondered if anyone would call me on it. For those who care, the actual first month of Mayhem at KFJC was in 1982. As a point of interest, the first regular voice transmissions that could be deemed a radio station were done by amateur Charles Herrold right up the road in San Jose, California, starting in 1909.

J.C. wrote:
On 2 May 2008, Richard Hester wrote:

Last week's Wild Kingdom playlist is at . It was an all-vinyl odds and sods affair.

This week's set kicks off my contribution to the fabulous KFJC "Month of Mayhem". Since 1882, KFJC has set aside the month of May for music specials,

Impressive, to be broadcasting before radios existed. (Although by only a handful of years.) :)

That aside, Mayhem on KFJC is highly recommended.

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