Just for once, I too will not be going to the festival this year.

Not without a little envy, I'd like to extend my good wishes to those
who're a going:

Be safe, have fun and please, take lots of pictures, and form lots of
opinions so you can post up a lot of verbiage and images for those of us
who have to enjoy it more vicariously.

Have a f****** ace weekend everybody


-----Original Message-----
From: Greg Earle [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Thursday, May 22, 2008 10:25 PM
To: 313 Mailing List
Subject: (313) Have fun everyone

As someone forced to stay home this year, sit at work and watch as the
Martian Air Force tries to shoot down our latest NASA/JPL space probe
this Sunday afternoon (7:26 PM EDT/4:26 PM PDT), I just wanted to extend
my hopes for safe travels to everyone flying or driving in to tha D this
weekend, and to all of you festival-goers my best wishes for good
weather and fun times.

Have a blast for me.

        - Greg

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