I made it out for a bit but I don't think KDJ was on the bill. My
friend Scott and I got there a bit early around midnight.  We caught
the tail end of a fun dj who was spinning house and techno-ish tracks.
 He was dropping aril brikha's groove la chord and infiniti and mixing
hip hop a la NWA with it all.  Then another dj went on and played some
decent deep house that got the 'crowd' dancing.  I say 'crowd' because
the turnout at that point was still pretty sparse.  At the flip of a
track, this dj cleared the floor and we decided to head for the main
room where not much was going on earlier.  Not much was still going on
but i bought some popcorn.  Then everyone who was in the other room
came streaming in.  We thought we had started a trend but they ended
up closing down the other room.  The djs in the main room continued
playing a somewhat lackluster set and everyone stood around for a bit.
 Then Dajae went on and got people moving with renditions of Say U
Will, Brighter Days, etc.  After she was done Frankie Feliciano went
on and played NYC body and soul.  A good portion of the crowd was
dancing but Scott and I weren't feeling it.  After four days of being
on my feet, my dogs were barking.  We ended up heading out early as we
were both fatigued and Scott had to get up early to go to work the
next day.  Had hoped to catch Rick in action but better luck next time


On Tue, May 27, 2008 at 8:32 PM, Denise Dalphond <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Did anyone make it to this party at Bert's Monday night?  This is the Rick
> Wilhite, Kenny Dixon party, among others of course.  Sadly, I was just to
> sickly tired to go and had to be up with the kids this morning.
> Thanks,
> Denise
> --
> Denise MM Dalphond
> PhD Candidate
> Department of Folklore & Ethnomusicology
> Indiana University
> http://denisedjsdetroit.blogspot.com/

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