I'm prompted by Greg commenting on a photo from last year to remind anyone for 
whom it is accessible that we have our jolly camping
trip to Cumbria starting in 10 days time on Friday the 25th of July.

Camping in lovely countryside, optional walking in the daytime, evening meal on 
the Saturday at a great village pub (outside,
weather permitting), rave up in the village hall followed by sitting round the 
campfire in the evening.  Some 313 relevance in that
there should be a few list members in attendance and I (at least!) will be 
spinning some tunes on that vibe (though we are lucky
enough to have higher profile peepz such as Bugged Out's Rob Bright and other 
tasty guests playing a variety of music, so it should
be a bit of a mix up).

All the details are at www.thatamazingthing.com, it would be lovely to meet any 
new faces that fancy a weekend of chilled
countryside interspersed with occasional frolics.

That Amazing Camping Trip #6!
Clickham Farm, Appleby, Cumbria

Friday July 25th to Sunday July 27th 2008

featuring Rob Bright (Bugged Out)
Crowhead (ATIC Records)
Detroit Public Radio
The Gremlins
Dan Curley
Amazing residents

tickets £9 from

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