Rich Megginson wrote:
Please review and comment:

389-devel mailing list
Hi Rich,

A nice design!  It looks promising to solve the sticky problems.

Can I add a request -- a flag or something to the value to switch the behaviour? E.g.,

nsIndexIDListScanLimit: maxsize[:indextype]/[:flags]/[:value[,value...]]

The flags could be KEYWORD_1|KEYWORD_2|...  By default, no flags.

I only have one use case for now, but we may want to apply the scan limit only when the specific filter is in AND, i.e., (&(objectclass=inetorgperson)(uid=UserA)), but not to the standalone filter (objectclass=inetorgperson). This could be useful when DB stores millions of inetorgperson's as well as millions of other objectclasses. But not useful at all, if 99% of the entries are inetorgperson. So, for example, the keyword could be ANDONLY...?

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