Hi @all,

Jan wrote:
> >>> as I promised, I am sending you a proof-of-concept code that
> >>> demonstrates, how we can mock DS in unit tests for library function
Ok, that's clear.

> >>> instead of sending command to real DS instance,
> >>> they just store the data in 'dit' dictionary
We could use some monkeypatching lib. 

> >>> Now I can successfully test that enable_changelog really works,
_really_ is not the right word, right :DDDD

> >>> this approach would work for 95% of all functions in lib389.
I agree that many functions are just ADD/DELETE, and this will work for that.

Mocking functions involving MOD, default values, simulating errors & co will 
be complex though: that's the reason why - even after adding unit tests - I 
will leave the integration testings in the same repo.

> >>> DSInstance. That is handled by DSModuleProxy. We already went through
> >>> this, but not with Roberto.
Saw the code, it just imports all files in the folder, right? It's a nice 
trick, even if it makes the design a bit complex.


Roberto Polli
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