Hi Thierry,

my consideration follows (a github-like platform with inline comments would be 
really welcome)!

= method naming and placement = 
1- I would use the following convention: if a method setup a functionality 
adding various entries to the tree, I would name it "setup" and hopefully 
should be placed DSAdminTools.
2- methods like  _createDefaultReplMgr are not expected to be used in 
production, so should be placed in the DSAdminTools section
3- the brooker naming convention is based on the "function-first" so that 
python interactive users can tab and autocomplete it.
 initAgreement should be renamed to something like agreement_init or something 
else. For the return codes, simply use exceptions.

= exception handling & None return =
1- in case of errors, a method should raise a proper exception and eventually 
log the error
2- so the assert clauses should be replaced by exception because they mean 
that something went wrong and an action should be taken 
3- about the bindmethod stuff: see http://pastebin.com/w0WnVQuJ

There are some other points but the best way to set them is with patches.

Let me know + Peace,
On Wednesday 13 November 2013 17:06:25 thierry bordaz wrote:
> In order to implement the first CI test with replication instances, I
> reorganised lib389 functions  related to replication setup.
> https://fedorahosted.org/389/attachment/ticket/47590/0001-Ticket-47590-CI-te
> sts-add-split-functions-around-rep.patch

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